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Traditional Fireplaces

Beautiful classical fireplaces in marble, stone and cast iron all suitable for gas, electric or real coal/wood fires


Apollo with Montgomery - Traditional Fireplaces

The Apollo in Agean limestone, shown with traditional finished cast arch Montgomery and granite hearth.

Crown and Asquith

Crown and Asquith - Traditional Fireplaces

The Asquith in Agean limestone, shown with half polished cast insert Crown and granite hearth.


Barcelona - Traditional Fireplaces

Cast combination full polished with black granite hearth to suit.


Bedford with Prince - Traditional Fireplaces

Cast insert Prince finished in black, shown with the Bedford wood mantel in antique pine and granite hearth.

Brompton with Hamilton

Brompton with Hamilton - Traditional Fireplaces

Cast fascia Hamilton with highlight finish, shown with the Brompton in Agean limestone and granite hearth.